Okay, so I finally have a baby who sleeps well in his swing, sleeps long stretches at night, loooooves to have his diaper changed (instead of screaming through it each time), and is generally happy and not very needy, and guess what?
I'm stressing out about it!
I know, you'd think I'd lost my mind (almost anyways), but really, I keep thinking:
Is A getting enough love?
Am I as attached to him as I was with my other two boys who demanded I carry them almost constantly and hated their swings and bouncy chairs?
Shouldn't I be carrying him more?
I know, I'm nuts! I should just be grateful (and I am - Thank God!), but I can't help but worry a bit.
You have to know, of course, that attachement parenting in general, and specifically baby wearing have been two of my passions as a mother. I believe to the core of my being that responding to our infants needs is not only good for baby, but best for Mom, too. Not to mention the entire family, and thus the communtiy which is built up of families! Attachment parenting is basically the philosophy that by being attached to their mothers and/or caregivers as much as possible at a young age, infants will thrive and develop their own sense of autonomy later in life - and ultimately be more independent children and adults. (for more information about attachement parenting see http://www.askdrsears.com/, one among many great sites on the subject)
Much of what has been written about "attachment parenting" has been written by non-muslims from a very secular (and thus, by definition, anti-Islamic) perspective. I have read the bulk of the most popular books out there on the subject, and that, combined with my humble knowledge of our beutiful and perfect religion of Islam, has lead me to believe that not only is this the best way to raise my children, but that it is the most Islamic way as well. Our beloved Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, was himself nothing but kind and gentle to children. I always have in my mind that famous hadeeth wherein he allowed his beloved grandsons Hassan and Housain to play on his back while he was in prostration. In sujud!! In the most intimate position and place a person can be in - when he is closest to his lord - our Prophet, peace be upon him, allowed these two boys to play on his back.
There are many other examples of such an attitude toward children, especially in their earliest years, that lead me to conclude that responding to our children with love is from the most natural ways of being and parenting.
But back to my point . . .
So I look over and see my sweet 2-month-old baby peacefully looking at the world around him from the seat of his swing, and I think . . . oh, no, he's alone. I'm not attached!
Of course, I know I am attached. . .
I love him; I know him well; I feel as though he is a part of me and I respond to his every need just as I did with my two older boys. I even wear him the majority of the time (he is on my back fast asleep as I type this).
But somehow, I feel guilty that he is so happy without me. . .
Am I crazy?
Assalamau alaykum wa rahmatullah...
ReplyDeleteMy sweet Sarah! Take a deep breath and repeat after me - your baby is NOT ALONE! =) You are there with him - even if he's not physically on you, you yourself acknowledge you have a connection with him.
I love to wear my baby when I'm outside for short periods of time - but as you know because of my back problems - I'm unable to wear him all the time... but my little man and I are well connected! He LOVED his swing until is broke of course! Now, I have him in the rocking/vibrating chair and while he doesn't love it as much as the swing - it's a big help when I'm physically unable to hold him.
You're not crazy - but since this child's temperament is different from your others you're beginning to doubt yourself. Little A will be no less loved in his swing than he would be in his sling! =) However, I know you feel a little less loved because it "seems" like he prefers the swing to you - but in reality that's not the case!
Alhamdulillah Allah gave you such a calm and peaceful baby!!!
I feel you.... I was crazy too.... My youngest has been way much easier than my two oldest and sometimes I though I was not giving her enough love, just because I was used to be demanded for LOVE 24/7... Now she is 20 months and she is SHY with people that she doesnt know (even though she is just the silliest and cutest little girl when people she is comfortable with)....
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Im peaking in your life cause you asked how to subscribe to the Cloth Diaper Whisperer's blog... You just have to go back there, and look at the top of the right sidebar where says SUBSCRIBE AS A READER... Click on it and follow instructions... If you need any help, just let me know... You can answer me here and I will subscribing to this posts at the bottom to receive following comments.....
Assalamu Alaikum Sis,
ReplyDeleteFinally got through to your blog! LOL. Jzk for your comments on my blog. Every baby is different, alhamdulillah Allah (Swt) has granted you ease with this one. Say alhamdulillah, and don't forget to say mashaAllah after posting how good a baby he is, masha'Allah.
Take care and look forward to reading some more posts insha'Allah.
Love the crunchy mama description!
Umm Raiyaan (www.ummihomeschoolsme.wordpress.com)
Assalamualaikum Sarah,
ReplyDeleteMashaAllah you are a great mom :) I pray to Allah that He gives a child to love and care for and carry and enshaAllah be a good mother like you are. Your babies are very cute mashaAllah tbark ALLAH. God bless you Sarah.
MASHA'ALLAH! Yes, thank you sisters for all of the encouragement. . . I know, he is who he is, and I am grateful!
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah!
Assalamu alaikum Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog via UmmRaiyaan's blog.
You son is beautiful, MashaAllah! I so understand how you feel, I only have one son, he's just 15 months old and he was kind of difficult at the beginning. And when he got better I was worried if he's sick of something! SubnahaAllah :-)
Take care.